Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Who Reads My Blog, Anyway?

That's right, folks - the latest additions to the fam-bam, two sparkly brand-spanking new water-dwellers we call goldfish! As for their more specific names, I was thinking of calling this black one Freddie Blackmoor (his species), a take-off from Freddie Highmore... maybe not. The other little fishy is a white-ish shubunkin, he looks kind of like the late Hamish (whom I had to replace... see links). But anywho, I had this idea. Who actually reads my blog? *eyes suspiciously* Well, if you're reading this (and you very obviously are), please help me out with some names, here. You can use that wee comment box. Suggest anything you like (that is appropriate) - from mystical, sparkly, starry names, to something pompous and royal, to the good old classics, like Bob and Freddie!
Thanks. Much appreciated. I should hope to update this when they're named.