Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lamb Selfies

I've been a busy person.
Fifteen chicks flatting in my room, a week old lamb out in the dog kennel, and a litter of puppies (whom I felt moving for the first time today) due in 16 days! I do love Spring.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Seven Weird Things I've Said/Thought Lately

1. "Algebra equations are like onesies."
2. OH! "Est." must mean "Established"! I thought it was "Estimated" or something...
3. Trying to remember whether or not penguins have knees...
4. "I'm virtually bathing virtual dogs, are you still my friend?"
5. I could make constellations from my window out of the cows in the paddock.
6. "Oh, and, by the way, your fish is upside down."
7. Considering if I should post an Oreo in the mail or not... (I did.)
How reliable is your mind?

Because, when you think about it, your perceptions are so easily muddled by feelings. Take time, for example. Almost every night, I sit in bed and read or write, glancing at the clock to keep track of time. Two minutes pass, five minutes, three minutes. Then BAM! Half an hour passes and I'm blinking and thinking "When did that happen?" I was enjoying my reading so much that I forgot about time and it whooshed past. I'm sure you can relate to that. It happens either way - time flies, or it oozes past slower than cold golden syrup. As the old saying goes - "A watched pot never boils."

So that makes me think, for things that can't be measured by a clock or something, like time, how many other things do our brains get confused over? Everything, I guess. Which doesn't mean that we shouldn't listen to our minds (they're very useful indeed), I suppose it just means we need to be a little bit careful. Don't rely on your feelings.

It also makes me very thankful that there is a Book (capital "B" hint hint) that I can trust is the total truth, whatever I'm feeling or thinking, and Somebody whose mind is absolutely perfect.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Seven Things Every Toilet Should Have

1. A lock
2. Enough toilet paper
3. Sufficient walls and door
4. Entertaining drawings and poems
5. iPod dock and speakers
6. Free wifi
7. 40" plasma TV with complimentary DVDs and nibbles

Monday, May 13, 2013

Oreo Medley

So ah, at the moment, I have a current obsession with the oreo song, right? It's the cutest little catchy song by my favourite artist - Owl City. Well today, my brother comes in and he hands me this oreo, reciting a few words from the song!
So this is it.
That is brotherly love, I tell ya.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Who Reads My Blog, Anyway?

That's right, folks - the latest additions to the fam-bam, two sparkly brand-spanking new water-dwellers we call goldfish! As for their more specific names, I was thinking of calling this black one Freddie Blackmoor (his species), a take-off from Freddie Highmore... maybe not. The other little fishy is a white-ish shubunkin, he looks kind of like the late Hamish (whom I had to replace... see links). But anywho, I had this idea. Who actually reads my blog? *eyes suspiciously* Well, if you're reading this (and you very obviously are), please help me out with some names, here. You can use that wee comment box. Suggest anything you like (that is appropriate) - from mystical, sparkly, starry names, to something pompous and royal, to the good old classics, like Bob and Freddie!
Thanks. Much appreciated. I should hope to update this when they're named.